Become a New Hampshire Notary Public

New Hampshire Notary Commission Overview
The step-by-step process for becoming a notary public in the state of New Hampshire is detailed below. Once you are ready to shop for supplies, simply visit our store. As a national provider of notary supplies, notary bonds, insurance, and training, has pretty much everything you need to become a New Hampshire notary public.
Are You in the Wrong Place?
Importance of New Hampshire Notary Training
As a notary public in the State of New Hampshire, you have UNLIMITED financial liability on EVERY document you notarize. You do not want to take the office of Notary Public lightly. The New Hampshire Online Notary Course is the fastest, easiest and most affordable way for you to learn what to do and how to protect yourself as a notary. Whether you are a new or current notary public, you should spend some time learning the laws.
How to Become a Notary Public in New Hampshire
Step-by-Step InstructionsHow to Become a New Hampshire Notary Public
1. Make sure you meet the qualifications to become a notary in New Hampshire (see below).
2. Complete the New Hampshire Notary Application. The application must be endorsed by two New Hampshire notaries public and a person registered to vote in New Hampshire.
3. Sign the application in the presence of either a justice of the peace or a notary public.
4. Complete the Criminal Record Release Authorization, and get this notarized.
5. Mail or deliver your application, the notarized Criminal Record Release Authorization, and the $75 fee to: Secretary of State’s Office State House, Room 204 107 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301
6. Receive your commission packet in the mail.
7. Sign and take your oath of office in the presence of two notaries public; or, two justices of the peace; or, one notary public and one justice of the peace. The same persons who sign your oath must sign your commission.
8. Return your signed oath to the Secretary of State.
9. Keep your commission. Sign the index card and mail it to your county's Superior Court.
10. Buy your New Hampshire Notary seal.
Congratulations! You are now a New Hampshire Notary Public!